A Bot Lobby means a game lobby full of our 10-11 Consoles, and You This means that you’ll join into a game essentially full of Bots (Our AFK Players), allowing you to easily get 200-600 kills per game, Unlock & Complete Camo Challenges, Unlock & Level Guns, Level Up Your Rank & Increase Prestige FAST, Unlock All The Best Calling Cards, Increase your K/D, And More!
Unlock All Mastery Camos in Black Ops 6! Dark Matter, Dark Spine, Diamond, Gold.
- Our Lobbies are hosted through legitimate public matches, meaning that it is completely safe to do.
- We do not do not require to log-in to your account to provide a Bot Lobby, just join us via invite,
- 20 min HC Domination Lobbies for consistent and steady progression.
- Works Across All Platforms (PC, Xbox, PlayStation),
- 200-600+ Kills Per Lobby.